Maine Press Association brings real world perspective and experience to its annual Fall Conference

Join members of the Maine Press Association as they gather at Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Event Center in Bar Harbor on October 21 to exchange ideas and celebrate the year’s achievements.

A full day of workshops, including as a general session with guest speaker Lincoln Millstein of Hearst has been organized. Hear from a panel of actual advertisers about why they advertise and what they need to be successful, participate in a discussion about media bias and how newspapers can protect their brand (of good, quality journalism), and gain tips and information about management that will be useful across all departments.

*Featured speaker: The Future of Print and Why ‘Digital First’ Won’t Deliver  (10:45-12:15)
Lincoln Millstein, Senior Vice President of Hearst, will share his views on the future of newspapers at a General Session at the annual Fall Conference. Don’t let his digital background fool you, Lincoln is bullish on the future of print and he will tell you why. Get a preview of Lincoln’s thoughts on the future of newspapers by reading the first chapter of a book he is writing on the topic.
His talk is for every MPA member whether on the business side or in the newsroom. You won’t want to miss this. Lincoln was a digital executive at the New York Times Company before joining Hearst. He was the founder of and a former business editor at The Boston Globe. He and his wife Irene vacation on MDI each summer and he is delighted to join us in Bar Harbor.

News, Fake News and Media Bias  (9:15 to 10:30)
Is ‘fake news’ hurting journalism? Do we really mean to say bias when we say ‘fake’? How should media organizations respond and what can they do to keep their brand in tact? Explore the basic tenants of journalism with a panel of guests that will talk about what newspaper organizations can do to promote and support their work, especially when it comes under attack.
Panelists: Nat Barrows, Editor and Publisher, Penobscot Bay Press
JW Oliver, Editor, Lincoln County News
Judy Meyer, Executive Editor, Sun Journal

Your Market, Your Advertiser — Why People Buy (9:15 to 10:30)
You sell advertising. But, have you thought about why people buy it? We have invited a group of advertisers to show you another side of the process—their side. They will take your questions and give insight into how to strengthen relationships in your community.

Management: A Delicate Balance (2:15 to 3:30)
Newsrooms are stressful, Ad Departments are stressful, heck, all departments are stressful—that’s the business we’re in.
In light of that constant grind, how do you still motivate staff on a regular basis? How do you deal with difficult personalities? How do you manage being an intermediary between the staff and ownership? Hear about ways to build your human resources knowledge and hopefully make a happier staff.
Panelists: Jennifer Holmes, Vice President, Bangor Daily News
Justin Pelletier, Managing Editor, Sun Journal
Michelle Lester, Publisher, Times Record

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