MPA Annual Fall Conference Recap

Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Fall Conference on October 29 in South Portland. We were pleased to host over 100 attendees at the 2016 Hall of Fame Induction, and 175 MPA members and guests at the Awards Dinner & Banquet.

From engaging sessions and a terrific Hall of Fame Induction to the successful Scholarship Auction & Reception, MPA Sing-along, Contest awards, and moving Journalist of the Year presentation, this year’s conference had something for everyone.

Now that it’s done and we begin to look ahead to next year’s Conference in Bar Harbor, we’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you liked, or what you didn’t like; what worked well, or what could be improved upon; what was missing, or what you’d like to see dropped completely.

Send your raves, your rants, your suggestions or feedback to Diane Norton, MPA Executive Director at

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