Update on NEW public notice repository​, Mainenotic​es.com

The launch of the Maine Press Association’s new public notice repository, Mainenotices.com, is almost here! The site will go live to the public by July 1. Over the coming weeks, the Florida Press Association (FPA) — our vendor who is coordinating the construction of the site — will start communicating with member papers about its features, and lead two webinars for members about how to upload notices. 
The two webinars are scheduled for 
  • Monday, June 16, at 1 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 25, at 1 p.m. 
Both webinars will be organized and lead by Kendra Schubert from FPA. Kendra will be the point of contact for members leading up to the launch of the site, and will answer questions and concerns about it. She will send out the details about viewing the webinars. 
Please share this information with the appropriate people in your organization who will work with Mainenotices.com, and provide their contact information to Kendra for updates and webinar information. Kendra’s email address is: KSchubert@flpress.com
As of July 1, state law mandates that newspapers with legal standing to carry notices must upload their notices in a timely fashion to this repository. Otherwise, that newspaper risks losing the ability to carry notices at all. 
For questions, please contact Tony Ronzio at aronzio@bangordailynews.com, Kendra, or Executive Director Diane Norton at mainepressmail@gmail.com. 

Preserving the Pine Tree State: Digitizing The First Record of History in Maine

Researchers at the University of Maine are conducting a study about the production, capture and preservation of online news content in the state of Maine. They are interested in learning more about your knowledge and experience with digital news content. The results of this research will be available at the 2014 annual MPA meeting.

After taking the survey you may enter a raffle to receive a $25 VISA gift card.

Link to survey: https://umaine.qualtrics.com//SE/?SID=SV_1SN3lxYaqy0iilD

Please feel free to share this survey link with colleagues. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer E. Moore from the Department of Communication and Journalism at jennifer.e.moore@maine.edu or Jennifer L. Bonnet, Research Librarian, at jennifer.l.bonnet@maine.edu.

Better Newspaper contest material coming soon!

The 2014 Better Newspaper Contest packets are being prepared this week, so expect them to arrive at your paper very soon. Sometimes the packages get misplaced in large newsrooms; so if you don’t see one at your paper, check with the editor or drop us an email and we’ll try to straighten things out.

Here’s a recap of a few changes we’ve announced previously.

New categories have been added to Sports: Game Story, Sports Profile, Sports Section, and Sports Page Design.

There will be two General Excellence Awards presented in all circulation divisions: Print and Digital. The digital award replaces the Best Website awards.

The Best Newspapers in Education (NIE) Idea category has been changed to Best Youth Engagement. However, NIE sections are still eligible under the revised rules.

A Food Story entry has been added to the Writing category. In previous years, many food articles were entered under Arts/Lifestyle Feature.

Best New Revenue Idea has also been added to the Advertising category. This could include something outside of in-house sales or promotions such as participation in community events or trade shows.

All stories and photos will be submitted online this year with articles in a PDF format.

However, tear sheets of sections and pages (Specialty Page, Sports Section, Supplement, etc.) will still be required.

So please read the instructions carefully and send us your best work!

On Board

Alicia Tuttle of Augusta has joined the advertising team at the Kennebec Journal as the creative services assistant.

Tuttle was the graphic designer/office manager for The Capital Weekly for six years, where she was responsible for creating and designing advertisements, supplements, layout design for the weekly publication, processing press releases, customer service, payroll processing and assisting with day-to-day office operations.

She is a graduate of Hall-Dale High School in Farmingdale and is currently pursuing her associate’s degree in graphic communications from Central Maine Community College.

State police discontinue media credentials

The Maine Department of Public Safety has stopped issuing media credentials, according to spokesperson Steve McCausland.

The laminated cards were issued for several years and often made it easier for reporters and photographers to get access to crime scenes, fires or serious accidents.

However, McCausland said that since there were very few reporters requesting them in recent years, the service was dropped.

Tips on covering extreme winter

From Jim Romesko.com: Digital editor-at-large David Newhouse put out a memo during the last cold snap with tips on covering extreme winter weather.

“How often should you update a forecast?” he writes. “Whatever number probably just crossed your mind, double it. The most successful sites update a storm’s approach obsessively …”

Here’s one interesting point about school and business closings and cancellations that may be helpful to dailies that update their websites frequently.

The old view: TV does them, so why should we?

The new view: People look to us as their primary storm news source; and besides, it’s quicker to look them up online than to wait for the TV anchor to get to your school.

PPH production director James Sanville passes away

James Sanville, a retired assistant production director for the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram who had passions for reading and technology, died Jan. 8 after a brief illness. He was 79.

Mr. Sanville began working for the newspaper as a delivery boy in Portland. At the age of 16, he got a job in the mailroom. For many years, he worked in the stereotype department, which made the lead plates used to print each day’s newspaper on the presses. He also worked in advertising as a makeup person, laying out the position of advertisements on each page of the newspaper.

Mr. Sanville, a 47-year employee of the Guy Gannett Publishing Co., retired in 1996 as assistant production director. He also served on the South Portland Board of Appeals. He was also a member of the Portland Elks Lodge.

He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Jaqueline, and three children.

(Courtesy of the Portland Press Herald)

The MPA Newsletter is back – and we need your news

The MPA Newsletter is back. The format is actually the same, but we plan to send two editions per month, providing we have enough material.

So tell us about your new hires, awards and promotions. Let us know if you’ve ran into a sticky Freedom of Access issue. Are you adding new features to your publication? All this is news that you can share with others in the association.

Are all your coworkers on our email list? If they’d like to be added, send their email addresses to Newsletter Editor Mike Lange at mdlange@tds.net.

As you know by now, dues notices have been sent to all member papers and prompt payment will certainly be appreciated.

However, old habits die hard and some checks are still going to old addresses. Please note that mail should now be sent to Diane Norton, The Maine Press Association, P.O. Box 336, Camden, ME 04843

Executive Director Diane Norton can be reached at 691-0131 and the MPA’s email address remains mainepressmail@gmail.com.

New director on the job for MPA

Please welcome the Maine Press Association’s new executive director, Diane Norton.
Diane, a former MPA president, contest chair and Advertising Person of the Year, takes over as executive director today from Jeff Ham, who served for the last two years and, before that, from 2002 through 2008.
With a new director comes new contact information for the association. Mail should now be sent to P.O. Box 336, Camden, ME 04843, and Diane can be reached at 691-0131. The MPA’s email address remains mainepressmail@gmail.com.
Here’s to a great 2014 for Maine’s newspapers.