Maine Access Peer Support

MPA has established a new resource for journalists, especially those in the rural regions of the state who have little or no access to in-house legal advice, when confronted with obstacles to legally public documents and meetings.

If you find yourselves seeking insight as to navigating obstacles, email MPA’s Maine Access Peer Support (MAPS) and we will see if we can be of assistance.

MAPs does not dispense legal advice, nor does it offer editorial advice on stories journalists might be writing. We are a supportive community of journalists, and MAPS is a service for those who work at MPA member newspapers.

We don’t promise to have all the answers, but we can lend an ear and ideas.

For assistance, please send an email to:

MAPS committee members:
Lynda Clancy
Kate Cough
Dan MacLeod
Faith DeAmbrose
Judy Meyer