Freedom of Access

The Freedom of Access Act (“FOAA”) is a state statute that is intended to open the government of Maine by guaranteeing access to the “public records” and “public proceedings” of state and local government bodies and agencies.

The Right To Know Advisory Committee was created to serve as a resource and adviser about Maine’s freedom of access laws. The committee may make recommendations for changes in statutes to improve the laws and may make recommendations to the governor, legislature, chief justice of the supreme judicial court and local and governmental entities with regard to best practices in providing the public access to records and proceedings and to maintain the integrity of the Freedom of Access laws.

Here is a link to the Maine FOAA with frequently asked questions, exemptions to the law and guidelines for filing FOAA requests.

Additional resources:

A guide to the freedom of access act.
the front page of a right to know guide.
the back page of a right to know guide.