The MPA Newsletter is back – and we need your news

The MPA Newsletter is back. The format is actually the same, but we plan to send two editions per month, providing we have enough material.

So tell us about your new hires, awards and promotions. Let us know if you’ve ran into a sticky Freedom of Access issue. Are you adding new features to your publication? All this is news that you can share with others in the association.

Are all your coworkers on our email list? If they’d like to be added, send their email addresses to Newsletter Editor Mike Lange at

As you know by now, dues notices have been sent to all member papers and prompt payment will certainly be appreciated.

However, old habits die hard and some checks are still going to old addresses. Please note that mail should now be sent to Diane Norton, The Maine Press Association, P.O. Box 336, Camden, ME 04843

Executive Director Diane Norton can be reached at 691-0131 and the MPA’s email address remains